Storm, Waste & Well Water

Storm, Waste & Well Water Products

Storm water runoff is precipitation such as rain and snow that runs off hard building structures, parking lots, driveways, lawns, streets, manufacturing and construction sites. The management of stormwater vs wastewater is very different. The government of BC has strict guidelines for wastewater and integrated stormwater management systems.

Hyland products include government certified septic tanks, distribution boxes, oil separators, dry well sumps, catch basins, barrels, castings, detention programs and advanced wastewater treatment systems. We always have inventory ready for upgrades, new installations or emergency repair. Precast products are available for delivery or pick up in the yard.

Hyland has extensive knowledge in rainwater harvesting, storm water management, wastewater recycling, and other water efficient sustainable systems. Our product lineup includes:

  • Manholes
  • Septic Tanks
  • Well Casings
  • Prebench
  • Catch Basins

Storm, Waste & Well Water Product Selection


Call us for a quote or contact us with any questions. We’re happy to help.

Additional Services

If your project requires precast concrete, retaining walls, aggregate or hydrovac, we have a complete suite of services.

Hyland Precast News