Hyland Precast Provides Precast & Ready Mix Concrete to Copperfield Ridge Residential Project

Anyone who lives in the Comox Valley knows how beautiful the area is, but did you know that Vancouver Island was voted “the best island in the Continental USA and Canada by readers of Travel & Leisure Magazine.
Courtney is one of those towns that provide affordable and beautiful housing. When you are voted the best, economic growth usually follows! With many new housing projects underway such as the multiphase Copperfield Ridge, Courtney is experiencing a lot of residential housing growth. Although a small center, Courtney is committed to retaining its charm and diversity.
Hyland Precast has been working with Leighton Contracting on this new project to be completed in phases over the next two years. Hyland has supplied all of the onsite and offsite civil products such as precast concrete manholes, prebench manholes and lamp bases. All of the ready mix concrete for the curbs and sidewalks will be manufactured at the Hyland Ready Mix plant and transported to the subdivision.
Hyland has a long working relationship with Leighton Contracting including joint projects for the New Courtney Hospital, Town of Comox precast concrete boat ramp and for various housing developments.
For all of your Comox Valley concrete projects call Chris Huber at 250-336-2412 or email your inquiry to info@hylandprecast.com